SmartOne Satellite Tracker Airtime

Keep Track Plan
Payment Terms

Globalstar SmartOne Satellite Tracking Plans

Monthly Plans

Your SmartOne will require a messaging plan to operate. Keep Track offers simple options for your messaging requirements. Choose your plan by how many location updates you need each month.

SmartOne Plans Monthly Access Fees Device Reports Included Daily Locations
Keep Track 31 $25 AUD 31 1
Keep Track 62 $30 AUD 62 2
Keep Track 100 $36 AUD 100 3
Keep Track 200 $46 AUD 200 6
Keep Track 300 $55 AUD 300 10
Keep Track Unlimited $75 AUD Unlimited Unlimited

Connection Fee: $50.00 ( Per Device, Once Only )
*Note: All Plans are for a minimum 12-month Term.**Note: All pricing is Australian dollars and includes 10% GST ( applicable only to residents of Australia )

Battery-powered satellite tracking device plans are available to credit-approved customers only through automatic or direct debit payments.
Access to the Keep Track Smart One service requires a compatible Smart One device. Keep Track GPS may apply location-barring where fraudulent use is suspected or for credit control purposes.
The minimum contract term is 12 months. The minimum cost for Keep Track Smart One Services is Keep Track 31, $300 for Keep Track 62, $360 for Keep Track100, $432 for Keep Track 200, $552 for Keep Track 300, $660 on Keep Track Unlimited, $840 over 12 months, plus the cost of the Smart One device and Globalstar activation fees.